Certified Installer

Common Roofing Issues Detected During Commercial Roof Inspections

Regular commercial roof inspections are essential to identify potential problems before they escalate into costly repairs or replacements. Professional roof inspections allow building owners and property managers to address issues promptly and ensure the longevity and integrity of the roofing system. This blog will explore the most common roofing issues detected during commercial roof inspections and discuss the importance of addressing them promptly.

Roof Leaks: The Telltale Signs of Water Intrusion

Roof leaks are among the most common issues found during commercial roof inspections. Water intrusion can cause extensive damage to the building’s interior, compromising the structural integrity and leading to mold growth. Inspectors look for water stains, damp spots, and ceiling discoloration, which indicate a roof leak. Prompt repairs are crucial to prevent further damage and potential health hazards.

Ponding Water: Addressing Flat Roof Drainage Problems

Flat commercial roofs are susceptible to ponding water, which occurs when water accumulates and does not drain properly. Ponding water can cause roof membrane deterioration, leading to leaks and premature aging of the roofing system. Inspections identify areas of ponding water and help implement corrective measures, such as improving drainage or installing tapered insulation.

Roof Membrane Damage: Wear and Tear Over Time

The roof membrane is critical to any commercial roofing system, providing waterproofing and protection against the elements. Over time, the membrane can suffer from wear and tear due to weather exposure and foot traffic. During inspections, roof inspectors look for cracks, tears, blisters, and other signs of membrane damage, recommending timely repairs to maintain the roof’s performance.

Flashing Issues: Vulnerable Points in Roofing Systems

Flashing is used to seal vulnerable areas of the roof, such as joints, edges, and penetrations. Damaged or improperly installed flashing can lead to water infiltration and compromise the roof’s integrity. Roof inspections identify loose, deteriorated, or missing flashing, allowing for prompt repairs to prevent leaks and moisture damage.

Roofing Material Deterioration: Addressing Aging Roofs

Commercial roofing materials deteriorate over time due to exposure to the sun, wind, rain, and other environmental factors. Inspections help identify signs of material degradation, such as cracked shingles, granule loss, or corrosion on metal roofs. Addressing aging roofs promptly can extend their lifespan and save on costly replacements.

Roof Vents and Penetrations: Ensuring Proper Sealing

Roof vents and penetrations, such as HVAC units, pipes, and vents, create potential points of vulnerability for water intrusion. Inspections assess the condition of seals and flashing around these penetrations to ensure they are watertight and not contributing to leaks or moisture problems.

Roofing System Installation Issues: Identifying Poor Workmanship

Commercial roof inspections can reveal installation issues resulting from poor workmanship or improper materials. These issues can lead to premature roof failure and compromise the building’s structural integrity. Inspectors assess the quality of the installation and recommend corrective actions to rectify any subpar work.

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